Watchword: invest and grow!

After the difficult period of the pandemic, that hit Italy and the whole world in 2020, Dinamic Oil has recorded a strong growth trend that has pushed our turnover to +25%.

Dinamic Oil has confirmed its position as a reference company in the production of winches and gearboxes, constantly working alongside its customers, responding to their needs with flexibility, reliability and experience.

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In 2021 Dinamic Oil invested in the Bomporto plant by expanding it and creating a new 2000 sqm wing, thus providing a new layout for material flow and a new warehouse for raw materials.

Dinamic Oil has also invested in technology, by implementing a new ERP for logistics WMS (WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM), which allows us to have an increasingly efficient material handling procedure for a more punctual and reliable production.

Dinamic Oil strongly believes in it and is aiming higher and higher! In 2022 we will reach a turnover of 80 million euro.

Watchword: invest and grow!

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